Monchbox Wiki

torus.php, also known as the CORS proxy, allows Torus to access chat connection information for any wiki on Wikia. Currently, the only available proxy is


Returns connection information for the specified domain.

Property name Value
_hits Number of cache hits for the queried domain. This is roughly related to how many different people have tried to join the wiki with Torus.
_id The cache id. This is used to distinguish between database changes; each time the cache is cleared completely, this number grows larger.
host Domain name of server. On Wikia, this should always be
port The port that the server is listening on. On Wikia, this should always be 80.
server The id of the server that hosts the room on the spidered wiki. Used in the &serverId= URL field.
room The id of the room that corresponds to the spidered wiki. Used in the &roomId= URL field.


Returns connection information for the specified domain.

Property name Value
cid See _id above.
misses The total number of cache misses. Resets with each cid change.
size Number of items in the cache.
hit_average The average number of cache hits across all entries.
max_key The domain with the highest number of cache hits.
max_val The number of cache hits for max_key.
min_key The domain with the lowest number of cache hits.
min_val The number of cache hits for min_key.

Possible errors[]

Error Description
nodomain Neither ?cacheinfo nor ?domain have been specified.
nochat The requested wiki doesn't have chat.
missing The server returned a response, but didn't provide all the required information. An additional `prop` field is set containing the name of the missing property.

See also[]
